Journal of Wound Care – “Antimicrobial stewardship strategies in wound care…”
Det är med stor glädje som vi delar denna artikel från april månads Journal of Wound Care ”Antimicrobial stewardship strategies in wound care: evidence to support the use of dialkylcarbamoyl chloride (DACC™)-coated wound dressings”.
Granskningen visar att:
”Wound dressings that use physical methods (bacterial-binding) of infection management are an ideal solution to antimicrobial resistance and should be aligned with antimicrobial stewardship”.
Läs mer här om hur våra DACC™-belagda Sorbact®-förband kan spela en viktig roll i AMS.
Rippon MG, Rogers AA, et al. 2021. Antimicrobial stewardship strategies in wound care: evidence to support the use of dialkylcarbamoyl chloride (DACC)-coated wound dressings. J Wound Care. 30(4):284–296.